Village Launches CodeRED Emergency Communications System
The Village of Posen has contracted with Emergency Communications Network, Inc., of Ormond Beach, Florida for its “CodeRED” high-speed telephone emergency notification services. The CodeRED system gives Village officials the ability to deliver pre-recorded emergency telephone notification / information messages such as, boil – water notices, missing children, missing persons, evacuation notices, utility outages, fires, hostage situations, chemical spills, gas leaks or any other emergency incident where rapid notification is essential. This system is only offered to residents and businesses within the Village of Posen free of charge.
Although most residences and businesses are automatically put in the system, the Village of Posen urges all individuals and businesses to click on the link located on the right side of each our web site pages to the “CodeRED Residential and Business Data Collection” page to make sure that your information is current and accurate we request that you complete the form. If you have a friend or family member who does not have internet service, please help them by entering their information for them. If you have any questions you may call the Village of Posen Administrative Offices at 708-385-0139.
The information in the database will only be used for emergency, weather and important notification purposes and will not be shared with any other parties. Questions about the system should be directed to Fire Chief Kevin Szewczyk at 708-385-3110