
ADA Sidewalk Upgrade Work Completed

The Village of Posen has received a grant from Cook County as part of their Invest in Cook program to improve ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) accessibility Village wide. The Invest in Cook ADA Sidewalk Rehabilitation construction project is now completed. Sod was placed at these corners where grass repairs were needed. We ask the residents on the corner houses where work was performed to please water the grass so it takes. New curbs and gutters, sidewalk, and detectable warnings plates were installed at approved ADA slopes. This work was performed between Western and Harrison along 144th streets and 143rd street.

Veteran’s Memorial Flags Now Properly Displayed

Through the efforts of Mayor Podbielniak and the Village Beautification Committee the Village of Posen recently had lights installed at the Village’s Veterans Memorial Site at Veteran’s Drive and Cleveland Ave. This is the 2nd phase of improvements for the site. In the near future an Anti Aircraft Gun will go on display in the area just east of the flags and new landscaping will be added. A great improvement for the upcoming holiday!!!

Flags at Veteran’s Drive and Cleveland Avenue

EMA Volunteers Needed

The Posen Emergency Management Agency (EMA) is seeking volunteers who are interested in serving the community. EMA members meet monthly and regularly train in things such as crowd control, traffic duties, and first aid.

EMA’s role during an emergency such as a tornado or natu- ral disaster is to work with the Police and Fire Departments directing traffic, providing security, and assisting with evacuations and other duties.

Members are viewed as a critical component of the Village Disaster Plan. Interested persons should be 17 years of age or older, have a valid driver’s license, and be able to pass a background check.

If you are interested in joining please contact Fire Chief Kevin Szewczyk at 708-385-3110 or email at kszewczyk@villageofposen.org.